Open: 9am – 5pm
7 days a week
Hope to see you down on the farm this summer!!
FAQs for Plant Buyers
Can Blueberries Grow Where I Live, and Which Ones Will Grow Best?
First, find your zone on the USDA zone map. Once you know which zone you live in, refer to our plant variety chart to see which plants will grow best in your zone.
Which Blueberry Plant Varieties Do You Sell?
Refer to our plant variety chart to see the varieties that we sell.
What is the Difference Between Northern Highbush and Southern Highbush?
In order to produce fruit, blueberry plants require a minimum number of hours at a temperature below 45 degrees F. Southern Highbush blueberry plants need only 300-500 hours, while Northern Highbush blueberry plants need at least 900 hours below 45 degrees.
Which Blueberry Is the Biggest?
Chandler and Darrow are the largest berries we grow.
What are the Top Three Sweetest Blueberries?
Earliblue, Toro and Jersey are the sweetest berries we grow.
Do I Need at Least Two Blueberry Plants in Order for Them to Survive?
No. However two plants of a different variety which bloom partly at the same time will produce a larger number of berries. For example, an early- and a mid-ripening plant, or a mid- and a late-ripening plant growing near each other will maximize your yield.
What’s the Best Way to Plant Blueberries?
We include a step-by-step instruction sheet on how to plant blueberries with your plant order. Please also see read this.
Can I Buy Plants On-Site at Your Farm?
We currently offer some plants available.
Where Is Bryant Blueberry Farm Located?
5628 Grandview Road Arlington, Washington 98223